Empowerment – Animation Groups of Adolescents
Στόχος των ομάδων είναι να έρθουν τα παιδιά και οι έφηβοι σε επαφή με τον εαυτό και τα συναισθήματά...
Scientific Coordinators
George Gournas, MD, ECP
Mina Polemi-Todoulou, PhD, CGP, ECP
George Gournas, Mina Polemi-Todoulou
Nikos Kaitsas, Pepi Belecou, Angela Menni, Maria Giourgi
The duration of the training is 3 years and includes two monthly 4-hour plenary sessions (250 hours), weekly participation as a coordinator in a training activity (260 hours), weekly participation as a trainee-therapist in a therapy group (160 hours), and time required during second half of training program for participation in the Group Process Practice chosen (60 hours).
Total: 250 hours theory – 480 hours practice
The program has an experiential character and aims at providing the members with the opportunity for active learning and exercising their comprehension of group process as it evolves at multiple levels and through different stages.
It focuses on the self-development of each member in the role of “group process coordinator”, who, from a responsible position (as therapist, trainer or consultant), safeguards the appropriate establishment and development of group process and contributes in the group’s course towards its target, acting as a positive catalyst.
The Group Process Training Program is addressed to scientists, with some professional experience working with groups, who wish to establish and develop further the skill to utilize group process as a tool for training, prevention, therapy or consultation, within their professional context, in community services, therapeutic or training centers, and other organizations.
Στόχος των ομάδων είναι να έρθουν τα παιδιά και οι έφηβοι σε επαφή με τον εαυτό και τα συναισθήματά...