We would like to assure you that AKMA protects your personal data that is processing. Below you can find information about how AKMA processes your personal data.


Which personal data are collected?

We collect general personal data (e.g. name, address, phone number, email) and necessary data regarding family, educational and occupational status of trainees. We also collect sensitive data concerning psychological and psychiatric profile of consultees.


Why do we need your data?

The data we collect are necessary in order to conduct the psychiatric assessment, diagnosis, support and treatment regarding consultees. The data are also necessary in order to monitor and support the educational progress of trainees. Furthermore, as research is one of AKMA`s main purposes described in its charter, data can be processed for research reasons, taking all the appropriate technical and organizational measures for data protection.


Who has access to your data?

 We do not share your personal data with third parties for any reason. Only delegated AKMA employees/collaborators have access to data within the framework of their duties and are bind with confidentiality and non-disclosure agreements.


Our communication

We would like to inform you occasionally about our new educational programs, seminars, conferences and other programs/initiatives that AKMA provides, participates in or supports respecting your time and our cooperation. In case you do no longer want to be informed any more on the above-mentioned issues, please contact us.


What are your rights?

You have the right to ask for a copy of your personal data we retain at our archive whenever you want. The accuracy of your data is very important for us. You can ask the correction or deletion of data that is inaccurate. If you have any comment regarding the processing of your personal data, please contact with data protection officer, Dr. Papachristopoulos Konstantinos, email: dpo@akma.gr.


For how long do we retain your personal data?

 The time period of data retention depends on the purpose of data collection.

Personal data of Trainees and Partners are retained for eight (8) years since the end of the training or collaboration with AKMA. When this time period expires, personal data is deleted or destroyed.

Personal data of consultees are retained for ten (10) years according to L. 3418/2005 article 14. For scientific and historical research purposes, personal data of consultees can be retained forever provided that AKMA takes all the necessary measures for its protection.

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