Forming a Systemic – Dialectic Approach
Το Σεμινάριο «Διαμορφώνοντας Συστημική Προσέγγιση» αποτελεί τη βασική Εκπαιδευτική Διεργασία του Αθηναϊκού Κέντρου Μελέτης του Ανθρώπου (ΑΚΜΑ)....
Scientific Coordinator:
Kyriaki – Protopsalti Polychroni, M.A., C.G.P., E.A.P.
Kyriaki Polychroni, Sophia Athanasiadou, Giorgos Gournas, Mina Polemi-Todoulou, Dionysis Sakkas – all ECP certified – along with assistant trainers and small group coordinators from the currently running Group Process Training program
– 2 years – 64 weekly sessions, 2.5 hours each.
– Total: 160 Hours.
– Small peer group work in between sessions.
The experiential seminar Forming a Systemic-Dialectic Approach belongs to the main body of AIA’s basic training and studies human as a biological, psychosocial and economic/cultural system. In the seminar, we study human relations within the groups (professional, social etc.), family/couple dynamics and the wider social framework within which individual and groups are being activated as well as the changes and the effects that it exerts in all live systems. Basic tools of the seminars training procedure are participation and operation of its members in small and large groups through which the participants are familiarized in a direct and experiential way with the dynamic and the function of live systems.
The aim of the seminar is the study of Human and its Groups (family, professional space and wider socio-cultural-economic system) within the framework of social change and globalization, following the Multi-dimensional-Multifocused Systemic-Dialectic Approach, as it has developed through the long – term course of the Center.
The goal of the seminar is:
The seminar addresses professionals with a degree who work with the human and its groups (i.e. psychologists, doctors, social workers, social scientists, educators) as well as professionals who through their work experience and their special training are in a position to be acknowledged as counselors or specialists in counseling and/or psychotherapy.
University degree in a mental health faculty (psychiatry, psychology, social work) or a relative field (medicine, pedagogy, sociology, anthropology)
Το Σεμινάριο «Διαμορφώνοντας Συστημική Προσέγγιση» αποτελεί τη βασική Εκπαιδευτική Διεργασία του Αθηναϊκού Κέντρου Μελέτης του Ανθρώπου (ΑΚΜΑ)....
H Επαγγελματική Επιμόρφωση στη Ψυχολογική Αξιολόγηση περιλαμβάνει τη χορήγηση και αξιολόγηση των παρακάτω προβολικών τεστ και ερωτηματολογίων προσωπικότητας :...
This seminar comprises an experiential workshop that offers a first experience with the systemic view of the human being...
This seminar comprises an experiential workshop that offers a first experience with the systemic view of the human being...
This seminar comprises an experiential workshop that offers a first experience with the systemic view of the human being...
This seminar comprises an experiential workshop that offers a first experience with the systemic view of the human being...