60 YEARS AIA – “FOR ANTHROPOS I SEARCH” – Playback theatre performances
…an invitation…
to take part in a co-weaving of memories
to look through & reflect upon a meeting of viewpoints
to share visions of co-evolution
the Athenian Institute of Anthropos (AIA) meets the Playback Psi (Ψ) theatre group in a series of playback
theatre performances*, in the context of its 60th-year anniversary celebratory events, at “Palmos”, Kleisthenous 3, Plateia Kotzia
*The interactive playback theatre performance will be held in Greek
Photo credits: Ippokratis Navrides
Dates: Sunday 17/9 – Sunday 24/9 – Sunday 15/10
The performance starts at: 8.30 pm
Ticket price: 10 EURO
Due to space restrictions (maximum 40 people), a priority list will be kept for each
performance. You are requested to book your tickets as early as possible.
For more information and ticket cancellation: akma@akma.gr, tel 210 6898031 att: Mrs Tota Bairami
Playback theatre is a form of improvisational theatre that is based on people’s real life stories, which are enacted on stage by a number of specially trained performers. This non-scripted theatre can by used to strengthen emotional bonds within a community of people who want to express and share their personal life experiences. Playback theatre has been used worldwide in education, for people with special needs, for people with mental disorders or emotional problems, for people who belong to minority groups, for people with a drug dependence, for victims of traumatic events or disasters, for people who want to enforce their business skills, as well as for members of teams, conferences or social and cultural events. «Playback Psi» has been first established in Greece in 2004, by a number of performers (actors, dancers, musicians, singers, stage and light designers) who have had special training in theatre improvisational techniques as well as drama-therapy and psychodrama techniques, under the guidance of Lambros Yotis, psychiatrist and drama-therapist, with studies and professional experience in theatre and acting. Its aim is theatre as a means for social, educational and therapeutic change. From 2005 till now this group has been performing in a number of central Athenian theatre stages («Theatre of Neos Cosmos», Multi-cultural space «Booze-Cooperativa», Music stage «Tea in Sahara», Theatre «Victoria», Studio Mavromihali) as well as for audiences in a variety of settings, such as conferences, schools and educational settings, psychiatric and rehabilitation settings.
Source: Palmos