1st Event: webinar with Fritjof Capra
Hidden Connections:
Fostering a Systemic View of Life in our Fragmented World.
The Athenian Institute of Anthropos (AIA) organizes a sequence of events honouring the work and the memory of Petros Polychronis entitled “The Human being, the Therapist and the Citizen as a Whole – Resonances as a Return Gift to Petros Polychronis”
This sequence includes lectures, webinars and open discussions with international and Greek participations. The goal of this return gift is to explore together the multifaceted roles of systemic therapists today, but also of those who intervene in the community with a systemic view (systemic intervenors), as these roles emerge in a world with many challenges and unexplored connections.
During the first event, on 7 May 2022 (18.00 – 21.00 CET), we will host the distinguished systemic scholar Fritjof Capra in an online presentation entitled “Hidden Connections: Fostering A Systemic View of Life in Our Fragmented World”. At this meeting, on the occasion of the publication of the book “Hidden Connections”, (in Greek “Αφανείς συνδέσεις”, Indiktos Publications), Capra will present how connections and systems view life and the world constitute a guarantee to secure the sustainability of the process of living, especially in an era, like today, the fragmented way world problems are addressed tend to be a rule and simultaneously a threat. In addition to this, he will discuss how we must learn from current crises based on questions that were posed by Petros Polychronis \within the preface of the book “Hidden Connections”.