How can Psychotherapists offer hope to humanity in the face of the threats to us and to our endangered planet?

How can Psychotherapists offer hope to humanity in the face of the threats to us and to our endangered planet? For EAP‘s 30th Anniversary Congress we have invited some of the world‘s most insightful and wise Psychotherapists to speak. We will do what we do best as Psychotherapists: allow ourselves to sit with the greatest problems facing humankind, to listen to each other and to speak, in order that insight, wisdom, discernment and hope can emerge.


  • Keynote Speaker Irvin Yalom – ‚Matters of Life and Death: for ourselves and for the Planet‘
  • Keynote Speaker Emmy van Deurzen – ‚Rising from our Existential Crisis: Widening the Human Horizon.‘
  • President Patricia Hunt – ‚The Hope of Psychotherapy for our Endangered World‘
  • Keynote Speaker Professor Kyriaki Polychroni – ‚There is a crack, a crack in everything . . .that is how the light gets in.‘
  • Keynote Speaker Sue Daniel – ‚All hands on Deck!‘
  • Keynote Speaker Professor Renos Papadopoulos – ‚Therapeutic applications in humanitarian contexts.‘
  • Keynote Speaker Jessica Benjamin – ‚Only One Can Live: Transforming The Reactivity of Survivalism.‘
  • Professor Alfred Pritz – ‚The Founding and History of EAP‘

Download here the full programme of the EAP 30th Anniversary Congress – Live Streamed from Sigmund Freud University, Vienna



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