Training in Systemic Family Therapy at the Association of Family and Couple Therapy in Timisoara, Romania.
The Romanian Association of Family and Couple Therapy invited Mr. Petros Polychronis, the Director of the Athenian Institute of Anthropos, psychotherapist, trainer and supervisor in systemic family therapy and group therapy and Mrs. Kyriaki Polychroni, psychotherapist, Certified EFT Therapist/ Supervisor & Trainer, to host a specialized training program in Systemic Family Therapy, in Timisoara, Romania.
The two specialists, renowned worldwide for their work, representing the Athenian Institute of Anthropos, the first training institute in systemic family therapy in Europe, were in Timisoara during February 24-26, 2017. The training program attended professionals in Family Therapy who formed two groups, one of introductory level and one of advanced level.
Mrs. Kyriaki Polychroni and Mr. Petros Polychronis also gave an experiential, open lecture, with the title “Fostering Relationships in an Ever-Changing World: New Realities, New Skills”.
The lecture was open to the public community of Timisoara (i.e. couples, families) and about 250 people attended, offering inspiring feedback.
Association of Family and Couple Therapy in Timisoara, Romania