2025 IAPOP Gathering About Worldwork

April 28 – May 2, 2025

Loutraki, Greece

This event is an in-house meeting organised by IAPOP for its members to study together the feedback gathered from members who have applied the Worldwork methodology, and discuss its implications; share best practices that its members have developed; as well as interact around tensions created by the intersection of different diversity issues, using the Worldwork methodology, while also studying themselves in the process, doing action research, in order to co-evolve the Worldwork methodology. 

The IAPOP Board, thanks the non-profit organisation EPEAS, in Athens, Greece, for supporting this IAPOP event by co-organising it, Lily Vassiliou, President of the Organising Committee, as well as all the members of the Organising Committee – Lena Aslanidou, Venetia Bouronikou, Standa Hasa, Barbara Leuner, Conchi Piñero, Daya (Mia Tadeka), and Gregory Vellios –  for their work.

If you are an IAPOP member and wish to attend, please see the detailed information in the flyer of the event here

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